Frequently Asked Questions

Product Hardware
Does your device provide a blood alcohol content (BAC) reading?

No, SOBRcheck detects the fundamental presence or absence of alcohol in support of your organization’s zero-tolerance policy – it is intended not to punish, but to provide you with data intelligence to inform the appropriate next step.

How large is your device?

8.5” x 6.5” x 3”

How does your device connect to the internet?

The device can connect to a network via Wi-Fi or Ethernet.

What are the network requirements?

2.4 GHz Wi-Fi and a clear pathway to the web.

What power supply is required?

SOBRsafe will provide a standard 120 Volt plug in your device start-up kit.

Where is the device installed?

SOBRcheck is installed at entryways or the vehicle key counter (for example) to augment current check-in/out procedures.

How many employees can we enroll per device?

The device holds up to 1,000 unique users based on biometric identification data. This number can be expanded should the need arise.

What is the employee queuing throughput of one device?

Between 200 and 225 people per hour, or more than 3 people per minute; this can be accelerated as needed with the use of additional devices.

How accurate is your device?

SOBRcheck detects alcohol at a 93% accuracy rate.

If we already have an alcohol monitoring system in place, how does this device supplement/augment our solution?

There are several reasons to augment a successful alcohol monitoring system with the SOBRcheck solution. Daily, user-friendly electronic testing and web-based reporting gives you an invaluable data stockpile for negotiating lower insurance premiums – in a way that periodic/incident-based testing and manual reporting could never do. Uniform testing (everyone has the same non-invasive scan at entry) removes human subjectivity and potential profiling claims. And the combination of the two provides an added layer of “insurance” over existing procedures to further reduce the daily risk of alcohol entering your workplace or vehicles. Just one incident can cost you millions – why not best protect against that risk for well under a dollar an employee per day?

We haven’t had any alcohol issues in the past – why should we add SOBRcheck now?

Congratulations – you have great staff and systems! Now you should get financial credit for your safety excellence. SOBRcheck represents the first such opportunity to do so. By implementing daily, uniform testing with reporting software you will be able to quantitatively prove an alcohol-free staff via a huge pool of defensible data, showing trends over time. With this powerful resource you can negotiate with your insurers for lower premiums, potentially freeing up cash for even more competitive hiring and retention.

How long does the device take to scan an employee?

SOBRcheck’s identify verification and alcohol detection scan takes 8 to 10 seconds – approximately half the time of the average breathalyzer.

As the device is touch-based, is it sanitary?

Yes. SOBRsafe provides an alcohol-free sanitizer to both sanitize the device and keep employees safe and healthy.

Is there any way to trigger a false positive result?

Hand sanitizers and other alcohol-based products trigger a false-positive on the device, and because our technology is so sensitive, we are able to clearly distinguish these aberrations from legitimate positive results.

When we register new users, we instruct them to avoid using alcohol-based products before scanning. Additionally, employees who trigger a positive have to visit HR; nobody wants that experience, so false-positives become a non-issue. Finally, we can provide alcohol-free hand sanitizer upon request.

How do I enroll my employees, and how long does it take?

Please refer to the Enrollment Guide located here. The process takes approximately 30 seconds per employee.

Product Software
Where do I find employee reports?

Employee reports are located within the Customer Portal under the “Summary” tab.

Who has access to my company’s reports?

Only your account administrators have access to your company’s reports.

How can I tell if alcohol has been detected within my employee base?

SOBRsafe provides instant email and SMS notifications to designated company management members upon the detection of alcohol.

How could this benefit our insurance premiums?

Employers using SOBRcheck have seen up to a 20% discount across their fleet, workers’ compensation, general liability and umbrella policies.

How can I calculate the financial risk associated with alcohol use in my workplace?

Visit the Return on Detection Calculator here.

What is the expense of your solution vs. my alcohol-related risk exposure?

The cost of our solution is approximately 10% of the annual risk of alcohol abuse across average rates of absenteeism, turnover, injuries and fatalities (per U.S. Dept. of Labor data).

Is your employee identification technology privacy-compliant?

Our identification technology does not use or store fingerprints; the scanner instead uses biometric data to verify identity. Biometric data acquisition and management is generally governed by State Law. Employers have the legal right to finger scan for identification purposes. Employers should have policies and procedures in place for notice, use, storage, retention, data breach, etc., of biometric scan data, employees should be informed of these.

Is employee and corporate data secure?

Yes. SOBRcheck works on digitized data transmitted via a secure channel to the Microsoft Azure cloud environment – no personal data is ever transmitted to or stored on the device. In addition, all data within the cloud is encrypted and the enrollment process does not require sensitive data be entered.

Do we need legal approval to use this device?

No, SOBRcheck simply detects and reports on the absence or presence of alcohol, thus supporting and augmenting your organization’s existing zero-tolerance alcohol policy.

Does the use of SOBRcheck require any certification, or is it subject to any regulations, in my state?

No. SOBRcheck is FCC-certified, and is not otherwise subject to any governance considerations for immediate implementation.

What if our workforce is primarily union?

Please confirm with your specific zero-tolerance policy, but typically the signed agreement of that policy is a condition of employment – and thus supersedes any union governance. As SOBRcheck simply supports and augments this established zero-tolerance policy, its implementation is at the sole discretion of management.

What if a portion of my employees work remotely, or take their work vehicles home?

SOBRsafe is currently developing an alcohol-detection and wellness wearable that would support your alcohol policy for off-site employees.

Nasdaq: SOBR
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